2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain Essay...-"------------is a place where--------" by class 23

When my teacher said to correct the story, I thought therer will be no problem.
however, it was my mistake.
There were abit many mistakes, and I was A bit suprised.
Let's hear the story.

Abyss is a place where many strange creatures live . But many people did not know many kinds of creatures.
There lived a fish which is transparent, so we can see the organs of the fish.
 Also, there was a samll creature which had a lethal poison at the edge of their tail. One person made a mistake during their exploration and squeezed the little creatures andn bothe the creature and the person died.Howver, there are more dangerous creatures in the abyss, but people did not know how to defeat it.
Since exploring abyss is very dangerous, may explorers tried to go tho the abyss. There was a man named James, and he wanted to catch some creatures and know why people don't knoq how to defeat or avoid the dangerous creatures. So James went to the abyss. When he went down, the abyss was so peaceful that he can hear himself breathing.  So he went more down to collect some creatures to study. Tat moment, 5 feet long fish appeared. He was in shock for a second but he came up to his mind and tried to take picture.
Hiowever, because of the flash light the fish and his eyes met. He swam as fast as he could to his submarine.
But it wasn't enough for him. The fish caught him and shot poison at him. He became unconcious and the fish ate him. After finding his submarine and his bone and his shoes, people relized he got killed by mysterious creatures. But! there was one thing that the fish left. It was the camera that proves there is a 5 feet long fish. Because of the picture James became and hero and even the most brave explore did not go to the abyss again.

It was abit cruel like " the fish cut him into 3 piece " so I erased it.
And after the last sentnece, there was 4 line story about Edward but it was just going to abyss and dying so I erased.

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