2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Movie Review : < Wall- E>

There are C/A in our GLPS camp.
I wrote my name for Movie Watching and I watched a movie last Sunday.
Although I have seen it before, It was great. So, I decided to write a review!

The movie that I watched was Wall- E which drew a love (?) story between robot Wall-E and Eve. The movie starts from the background that Earth is full of trash, so no one lives there but Wall-E and bugs. Human is living in a huge spaceship where is perfect. Wall-E always makes trash into cube-shape and arrange. However, because Wall-E is an emotional robot, it feels lonely. But one day, a robot named Eva what came to explore Earth came an Wall-E become to like Eva. However, after putting plants in its body, Eva goes back to the spaceship. So Wall-E follows. But the spaceship was actually controlled by Auto the robot, so the captain try to defeat Auto, Wall-E and Eve helps him.

In my opinion, to give points, it is 4 out of 5.
This movie explain the trash problem very well, and the humanity of the robots, too. It also says that people should not love lasy.
But at the last, it was not reasonable --; if we change the memory chip, robots can not get the memory again. I hope Wall-E can be remaked to a good end.

댓글 1개:

  1. Hi, Yeong Ju ^^ I enjoyed Wall E last year, but now I can't remeber the specific story of the movie... ㅠ Your essays are very good!
