2011년 1월 6일 목요일

The Fifth Day In GLPS Camp!

I think I am getting adapted to this camp...
When I arrived my room in the dorm, automatically said ' It's home'.
I was very suprised after 3 seconds.
It is really true... that human are genius. They can adapt in anywhere.
I hope that I can learn many things, and also make great memories and go home.

This Saturday we have Pop song contest~
I will get prize! I will work hard.
Christal is the First Vocal and I am the Second Vocal.
I hope everyone in our clss would worrk hard for the contest.
There will also be Speech Contest, and my class except one person all participates in it.
When Mr. Urban told us to participate, Christal, me, Kate, and a boy said to do but after listening lecture about the contest, suddenly almost everyone said they will participate...
huk huk..... rival increased...
But! It's okay~ If i do my best, I will not be sad...even thogh I will be not happy too...
Let's work hard!

Class 23~ i am very happy to meet you guys!

댓글 2개:

  1. Very colorful blog Leslie:) I'm happy to see you are going to do lots of writing here. Keep up the good work and good luck in the pop song contest. What song will you sing?

  2. I'll going to sing the best of both worlds,!
