2011년 1월 11일 화요일

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring

The movie's name is " Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" so I thought it is about the four seasons but it wasn't. The Spring part was about how a boy is being punished and know his deeds.

The master lets the boy to go to the mountain and get some herbs. So the boy got some herbs. So the master and bioy arranged th eherbs that and the master a fatal herb that looks very similar to the original herb. The master throwedaway but hte boy asked him " master, it is th same herb. Why do you throw it away?" The master said that it is different boy still didn't listen and asserted. So the master told the boy would die. So the boy did not say anything. Next day, the boy went to a place where there was a pool that was surrounded by huge rocks.The boy catched a small fish his hands, nd tied the the fish with a thread that had a stone tied on it. The master got curious and followed him. Then the boy catched a frog and did the same thing that he did to the fish.  he boy catched a snake again and did the same thing that he did to the fish and frog. The master saw it and distorted his face. then the master suddenly held a big stone and carried back home. The master tied the big stone with a rope and tied the rope with the stone to the boy who was sleeping. Next day, the master made the boy to go the rocks and save all the animals he tied. But unfortunately, the fish and the snake were dead. So the boy cried a lot. In my opinion, small problems like asserting his opinion can be punished by just with communication but big things like making living things feel pain should be punished by hitting or having the same experience like the master. Eventually, I think the master's way to punish the boy was a great method, and the boy will never do the same thing again.

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