2011년 1월 12일 수요일

History Presentation: Priest in El Cid (movie)

Hello, my name is Leslie and my charater is the role 'priest'.
When I first selected priest, I thought it will be easy but it wasn't.
The priest came out in the movie for just 3~5 minutes.
Although it wasn't enough for me to write 10 minute presentation with this, I thought everything that I can with these scenes that priest came out.
The first scene is that a priest was hugging and crying the God statuewhich had arrows stuck on it. At that moment, El cid came and soothed him.
The priest followed El cid and realized that he caught the Sultan Moutamin.
When El cid sayed he wil make Moutamin plead to God and release him, people disagreed but when the priest sayed he does, people suddenly became silent and said they agree. The second scene is that a priest was acting as a wedding officiator at El cid and Ximene's wedding. From this, we can see that long time ago in Medieval Ages, priest were very sacred, and has a very powerful authority in the society. Also, as an another example, after the marrige of El cid and Ximene, Ximene visted her mother who was a nun. By this, we can know that 'nun' or 'priest' was a great job even in the novel society.

But there was a reason why people believed priest or God is very sacred ; according to ' Living World History ' by Korea History Teacher Organization, it is because farmers, who were two-third of the citizens did not know anything. So priests and God looked so much higher than them. Also, in medieval ages the church almost brainwashed the farmers into 'Christian'. Let me tell you some more about priests.
In the Middle Ages religion was a crucial part of daily life. All children were named in Latin (unless they were Jewish) and everyone had mass on Sunday. Mass was in Latin, a language that common people did not understand.
Bishops controlled over organizations of parishes called dioceses. They usually came from novel families. Bishops lived in palaces and often took role in government.

Now, I am going to inroduce how priests used art to show the ideology of Christian. 'The Last Judgement' shows that the angel is making sinners to go to the hell, holding a dagger on his/her hand. 'Believe, then it will be seen' gives strong impression to people because it makes to feel like coming to the God's world.

댓글 2개:

  1. You did El Sid too??
    2 of my roommates did this and they were worried that they did't research!!
    Do you know me?
    I am 예준 and 보현's friend...
    We sat together on the bus remember??^^

  2. yes! I remember ^^ the candy that you gave me was good ^^
    thank you for your comment!
