2011년 1월 19일 수요일

Ode to my shoes

You know.. I am very thankful to you
You always endure the freezing winter
You always keep my feet secure
You always touch the snow and say nothing
You become very dirty becuase of me
But you don't complain

Oh you are the lifetime friend of mine
Every where I go
Whenever I do something
Whatever I do you follow me
You are living under a house with me
When I eat
When I sleep
When I study
You are always with me

Oh dear I am sorry
To not let you be clean
To not let you be warm
To not let you be comfortable
But I hope you know
That you are one of the most precious friend in my life!

댓글 1개:

  1. Where would we be without shoes? They are definitely very important. I enjoyed this poem, and I'm sure your shoes would love to hear it.
