2011년 1월 20일 목요일

1st Person Story

I woke up in the morning, and a cold and white thing went into my mouth.
So I immediately spit it with tissue and quickly went to the dining room to have brunch.
It is 11:30, so it is not brakfast, it is brunch.
I ate  kiwi and waffle.
Although it is the menu that I ate for 13 years, it tasted like a  banquet.
I dressed up quickly again and went to the academy and had a lecture about Ferdinand Magellan's life.
It was a bit boring, though
I went to the mart downstairs and bought some biscuits to have for snack.
It was not an amazing thing to eat, but it was okay.
Again, it was a day that had a regular pattern that I always had.

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