2011년 1월 25일 화요일

3rd Narrative story

Anne woke up at 8:00 am and took a shower and had breakfast.
She fastly ate and went to school.
The school that she attends is near her house so she spent just 5 minutes to go to the school.
She got the class and learned about Unesco.
She was bored but her friend, whose name is also Anne came and played with her.
She became happier and ate lunch.
Rice, pork stew, soup, apple, kimchi, octopus stew, fried egg was the menu.
She quickly ate and played with her friends.

2011년 1월 23일 일요일

The 2nd narrative

You woke up and you saw a girl with long black hair, wearing a white plain dress.
She glances at you and smiles.
But in her eyes you can see the anger of revenge.
She seems to revenge to you.
You quickly ran and said you should go and have breakfast.
The girl laughs histerically and slowly come to you and watches you as you are a enemy.
You quickly ran to the stairs and hurridly ran to the dormitary but suddenly the door opens and the girls says
Why do you go? You should play with me...hee hee

2011년 1월 20일 목요일

1st Person Story

I woke up in the morning, and a cold and white thing went into my mouth.
So I immediately spit it with tissue and quickly went to the dining room to have brunch.
It is 11:30, so it is not brakfast, it is brunch.
I ate  kiwi and waffle.
Although it is the menu that I ate for 13 years, it tasted like a  banquet.
I dressed up quickly again and went to the academy and had a lecture about Ferdinand Magellan's life.
It was a bit boring, though
I went to the mart downstairs and bought some biscuits to have for snack.
It was not an amazing thing to eat, but it was okay.
Again, it was a day that had a regular pattern that I always had.

2011년 1월 19일 수요일

Ode to my shoes

You know.. I am very thankful to you
You always endure the freezing winter
You always keep my feet secure
You always touch the snow and say nothing
You become very dirty becuase of me
But you don't complain

Oh you are the lifetime friend of mine
Every where I go
Whenever I do something
Whatever I do you follow me
You are living under a house with me
When I eat
When I sleep
When I study
You are always with me

Oh dear I am sorry
To not let you be clean
To not let you be warm
To not let you be comfortable
But I hope you know
That you are one of the most precious friend in my life!

2011년 1월 18일 화요일

Wacky Town!


Wackytown is a new amusement park located outside Charlotte. Wackytown has several distinct areas, including Seoul Blvd., Make-Believe Land, Wild West Land, and Space Land. Best of all, everything has the Wackytown difference built right in.
When you first enter Wackytown, you walk onto Seoul Blvd., which is just like the real place. There is a grocery store selling tomatoes, pizzas, and spagettis. There is a bookstore selling Huckle Berry Finn and Harry Potter. There is even a toy store selling Woodies! It's like having Seoul right in your own back yard.
The best area of Wackytown is Make-Believe Land, which includes the “No Tests School,” where students study history, but where there are never any tests. There is also a demonstration of the “Homework Robot.” Just give your homework to the robot, press the button, and it comes out done entirely correct! It's the wave of the future!
We hope you will come visit Wackytown soon. You are sure to have a wacky time!

Viral Video: Suprise Kitty

This is a video about a kitty which follows how the owner acts.
I think the reason why this video is viral is that the kitten is so cute and it is rare thing to do for the kitten.
Also, I think this is not a bad,but good viral video, which does not gives damage to anyone.
The kitten is so cute ><

Diamente Poem

sweet, powdery
sticking, sliding, melting
candy, coke, kimchi, frenchi fries
hurting, gaining, sliding
salty, sticky

2011년 1월 13일 목요일

Poem 2

All have diffrence
some are mischievous
some are kind some are smart
some dance well, some speak well
some play enjoy well
but we are one


Catherine and Carrie
Kind Bright Funny Great
Always play with Always be with
play study eat like enjoy
altogether everywhere

Movie Review : < Wall- E>

There are C/A in our GLPS camp.
I wrote my name for Movie Watching and I watched a movie last Sunday.
Although I have seen it before, It was great. So, I decided to write a review!

The movie that I watched was Wall- E which drew a love (?) story between robot Wall-E and Eve. The movie starts from the background that Earth is full of trash, so no one lives there but Wall-E and bugs. Human is living in a huge spaceship where is perfect. Wall-E always makes trash into cube-shape and arrange. However, because Wall-E is an emotional robot, it feels lonely. But one day, a robot named Eva what came to explore Earth came an Wall-E become to like Eva. However, after putting plants in its body, Eva goes back to the spaceship. So Wall-E follows. But the spaceship was actually controlled by Auto the robot, so the captain try to defeat Auto, Wall-E and Eve helps him.

In my opinion, to give points, it is 4 out of 5.
This movie explain the trash problem very well, and the humanity of the robots, too. It also says that people should not love lasy.
But at the last, it was not reasonable --; if we change the memory chip, robots can not get the memory again. I hope Wall-E can be remaked to a good end.

2011년 1월 12일 수요일

History Presentation: Priest in El Cid (movie)

Hello, my name is Leslie and my charater is the role 'priest'.
When I first selected priest, I thought it will be easy but it wasn't.
The priest came out in the movie for just 3~5 minutes.
Although it wasn't enough for me to write 10 minute presentation with this, I thought everything that I can with these scenes that priest came out.
The first scene is that a priest was hugging and crying the God statuewhich had arrows stuck on it. At that moment, El cid came and soothed him.
The priest followed El cid and realized that he caught the Sultan Moutamin.
When El cid sayed he wil make Moutamin plead to God and release him, people disagreed but when the priest sayed he does, people suddenly became silent and said they agree. The second scene is that a priest was acting as a wedding officiator at El cid and Ximene's wedding. From this, we can see that long time ago in Medieval Ages, priest were very sacred, and has a very powerful authority in the society. Also, as an another example, after the marrige of El cid and Ximene, Ximene visted her mother who was a nun. By this, we can know that 'nun' or 'priest' was a great job even in the novel society.

But there was a reason why people believed priest or God is very sacred ; according to ' Living World History ' by Korea History Teacher Organization, it is because farmers, who were two-third of the citizens did not know anything. So priests and God looked so much higher than them. Also, in medieval ages the church almost brainwashed the farmers into 'Christian'. Let me tell you some more about priests.
In the Middle Ages religion was a crucial part of daily life. All children were named in Latin (unless they were Jewish) and everyone had mass on Sunday. Mass was in Latin, a language that common people did not understand.
Bishops controlled over organizations of parishes called dioceses. They usually came from novel families. Bishops lived in palaces and often took role in government.

Now, I am going to inroduce how priests used art to show the ideology of Christian. 'The Last Judgement' shows that the angel is making sinners to go to the hell, holding a dagger on his/her hand. 'Believe, then it will be seen' gives strong impression to people because it makes to feel like coming to the God's world.

2011년 1월 11일 화요일

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring

The movie's name is " Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring" so I thought it is about the four seasons but it wasn't. The Spring part was about how a boy is being punished and know his deeds.

The master lets the boy to go to the mountain and get some herbs. So the boy got some herbs. So the master and bioy arranged th eherbs that and the master a fatal herb that looks very similar to the original herb. The master throwedaway but hte boy asked him " master, it is th same herb. Why do you throw it away?" The master said that it is different boy still didn't listen and asserted. So the master told the boy would die. So the boy did not say anything. Next day, the boy went to a place where there was a pool that was surrounded by huge rocks.The boy catched a small fish his hands, nd tied the the fish with a thread that had a stone tied on it. The master got curious and followed him. Then the boy catched a frog and did the same thing that he did to the fish.  he boy catched a snake again and did the same thing that he did to the fish and frog. The master saw it and distorted his face. then the master suddenly held a big stone and carried back home. The master tied the big stone with a rope and tied the rope with the stone to the boy who was sleeping. Next day, the master made the boy to go the rocks and save all the animals he tied. But unfortunately, the fish and the snake were dead. So the boy cried a lot. In my opinion, small problems like asserting his opinion can be punished by just with communication but big things like making living things feel pain should be punished by hitting or having the same experience like the master. Eventually, I think the master's way to punish the boy was a great method, and the boy will never do the same thing again.

2011년 1월 7일 금요일

Writing Chain Essay...-"------------is a place where--------" by class 23

When my teacher said to correct the story, I thought therer will be no problem.
however, it was my mistake.
There were abit many mistakes, and I was A bit suprised.
Let's hear the story.

Abyss is a place where many strange creatures live . But many people did not know many kinds of creatures.
There lived a fish which is transparent, so we can see the organs of the fish.
 Also, there was a samll creature which had a lethal poison at the edge of their tail. One person made a mistake during their exploration and squeezed the little creatures andn bothe the creature and the person died.Howver, there are more dangerous creatures in the abyss, but people did not know how to defeat it.
Since exploring abyss is very dangerous, may explorers tried to go tho the abyss. There was a man named James, and he wanted to catch some creatures and know why people don't knoq how to defeat or avoid the dangerous creatures. So James went to the abyss. When he went down, the abyss was so peaceful that he can hear himself breathing.  So he went more down to collect some creatures to study. Tat moment, 5 feet long fish appeared. He was in shock for a second but he came up to his mind and tried to take picture.
Hiowever, because of the flash light the fish and his eyes met. He swam as fast as he could to his submarine.
But it wasn't enough for him. The fish caught him and shot poison at him. He became unconcious and the fish ate him. After finding his submarine and his bone and his shoes, people relized he got killed by mysterious creatures. But! there was one thing that the fish left. It was the camera that proves there is a 5 feet long fish. Because of the picture James became and hero and even the most brave explore did not go to the abyss again.

It was abit cruel like " the fish cut him into 3 piece " so I erased it.
And after the last sentnece, there was 4 line story about Edward but it was just going to abyss and dying so I erased.

2011년 1월 6일 목요일

The Fifth Day In GLPS Camp!

I think I am getting adapted to this camp...
When I arrived my room in the dorm, automatically said ' It's home'.
I was very suprised after 3 seconds.
It is really true... that human are genius. They can adapt in anywhere.
I hope that I can learn many things, and also make great memories and go home.

This Saturday we have Pop song contest~
I will get prize! I will work hard.
Christal is the First Vocal and I am the Second Vocal.
I hope everyone in our clss would worrk hard for the contest.
There will also be Speech Contest, and my class except one person all participates in it.
When Mr. Urban told us to participate, Christal, me, Kate, and a boy said to do but after listening lecture about the contest, suddenly almost everyone said they will participate...
huk huk..... rival increased...
But! It's okay~ If i do my best, I will not be sad...even thogh I will be not happy too...
Let's work hard!

Class 23~ i am very happy to meet you guys!

2011년 1월 4일 화요일

Hello~ I Am Glps Class 23's Leslie!

I am happy to come to glps camp and I want to make many memories in this camp and go home.
I hope you enjoy too!

I love my roomates and classmates~!!
(I am not sure I can like my class's boys)
